Why Am I Always Being Told to Shop Local?

Person serving an ice cream cone at Trinidad Creamery


...Why Am I Always Being Told to Shop Local?!!

Buying local does not mean walling off the outside world!  It means nurturing locally owned and located businesses that use local resources, employ local workers and serve primarily local consumers. The status of the local economy is primarily maintained and sustained by the residents of our community!

When you purchase at businesses right here in town rather than stores in the bigger cities, more of our money is kept in the community. Local businesses often purchase from other local businesses and service providers and support our local non-profits, schools, and churches. Even our “big business” stores deserve your patronage! They employ a lot of our people, and those employees’ livelihoods or ability to send their kids to ballet, also depend on the big business doing well!

...But I can find more of a variety out of town!

Not true!  Think creatively! Instead of following the trending gifts, buy something more meaningful! Buy an experience instead of that oft advertised gadget – like movie or theatre tickets for the young couple as a date night, or music, dance, jewelry making or martial arts classes for grandkids. Gift certificates to that new restaurant would be nice, or an oil change for the young drivers in the family!

Unique businesses create character and prosperity. The unique character of our local community is defined in part by the businesses that reside here and that plays a big factor in our overall satisfaction with where we live and the value of our homes and property. And, visitors are more likely to come for the experience our community can offer in shopping and dining.

...I prefer to shop in my pajamas and I can find lower prices online!!

As a consumer society, we have become accustomed to the convenience and selection we get when shopping online.  We are able to research prices before buying, finding the best deals, and a great selection. No argument here!

image of holiday shoppers exchanging packages with trolley ridersBut, it is such a good feeling to see a smile on someone’s face when you walk into a store or restaurant. Isn’t it nice when you recognize the neighbor down the street working behind the counter? We’re human, and shopping in person is always on a more personal note, when you’re able to exchange pleasantries, stories and well wishes!

Small business is a major part of this community, and these business owners work hard at making their business a success. They go the extra mile to make sure their customers are happy, by offering a better experience! The time to rally behind our local businesses is generally for all the holiday seasons, but my “bang on the table” shout out is “Shop LOCAL…ALL YEAR ROUND!”