Qi Gong with Kay Evans

Champions Center 127 N Commercial St, Trinidad

Join us at the Champions Center 127 N Commercial St on Tuesdays, August 20th through November 19th from 10 am to 11 am. August 20th through October 1st we will focus on digestion and grounding. October 8th through November 19th we will focus on the lungs and immune system. Contact Sam at 719-845-4873 or smcdonald@mtcarmelcenter.org


Qi Gong with Kay Evans

Champions Center 127 N Commercial St, Trinidad

Join us at the Champions Center 127 N Commercial St on Tuesdays, August 20th through November 19th from 10 am to 11 am. August 20th through October 1st we will focus on digestion and grounding. October 8th through November 19th we will focus on the lungs and immune system. Contact Sam at 719-845-4873 or smcdonald@mtcarmelcenter.org


Qi Gong with Kay Evans

Champions Center 127 N Commercial St, Trinidad

Join us at the Champions Center 127 N Commercial St on Tuesdays, August 20th through November 19th from 10 am to 11 am. August 20th through October 1st we will focus on digestion and grounding. October 8th through November 19th we will focus on the lungs and immune system. Contact Sam at 719-845-4873 or smcdonald@mtcarmelcenter.org
